Is food/drink allowed in the library?


Food is permitted in the library; however, we ask that you help us maintain a clean and pest-free environment to aid in the preservation of the library’s collections and keep your study spaces looking nice. Please follow the policies below to maintain a pleasant environment for library users and for studying while preserving our collections, equipment, and furnishings.

  • Food and drink are not permitted near any of the library computers, printers, AV equipment, or any other electronic equipment in the library. (Covered beverages are permitted near computer workstations.)
  • Please be respectful of library spaces by cleaning up after yourself and “leave no trace” of food or beverages: remove crumbs, wipe off sticky surfaces, and report spills. Cleaning supplies are available at the service desks.
  • Unattended food or drink may be removed and discarded.
  • Please be considerate of others and our spaces: avoid consuming food items that create messes, smells or noise.
  • Please dispose of trash in appropriate recycling and trash containers. Full containers should be moved from outside of the room for disposal.
  • Staff reserve the right to ask anyone who disregards the above conditions to remove their food or drink from the building or to leave the building.



  • Last Updated Aug 12, 2024
  • Views 223
  • Answered By Roxanne

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